studio blast from the past

over thanksgiving break, i got to visit my old stomping grounds.  i am so happy that my old studio is now in the talented hands of justin hackworth. i would have died if it had gone to someone i hated or who's work i did not respect. i don't know what that says about me or my character, but there it is.

and look! he even painted the walls to give it a fresh new look and it really makes it his own.

i'm also pretty happy justin was nice enough to let me use it when i rolled back into town. otherwise i wouldn't have gotten to connect with this special family.

a few things worth noting: this mom is also a talented photographer and film shooter. this mom didn't want her picture taken. but she humored me. and i am so, so, so glad she did.  because she is honestly one of the most in tune and talented mothers i have ever met. and that deserves to be captured.