YAN PHOTOGRAPHY FEATURED | Utah wedding photographer, Boise wedding photographer

coming to you this morning from the SLC airport (en route to Boise), I am happy and honored (please note double 'h' usage) to announce that this session was featured on the Utah Bride Blog! Oh we all know this beautiful couple was bound for stardom, but it is such an honor for me as a photographer to be featured anywhere, and especially on such a pretty little blog. So even if you've seen the pictures already, go ahead and check out the other awesomeness on the Utah Bride Blog by clicking the link above.

Now wish me luck on a long trip away from my sweet little family to Boise Id. Just said a teary good-bye to my girls, preceeded by a teary good-bye to my husband (who packed for me because sweetness runs through his veins instead of blood). But I'm ready for a stellar work week in Boise!

I'm also looking for anyone who is interested in assisting me at my various shoots this week. Most will be in the evening, with a whole bunch of minis on Saturday morning. Please email me at photography.yan@gmail.com if you're interested.

over and out!